Welcome to PeptideDigest! ========================================================= .. image:: _static/pd-logo.png :align: center :width: 250px :class: only-light .. image:: _static/pd-logo.png :align: center :width: 250px :class: only-dark PeptideDigest is a Python package for interacting with a Gemma model from Google that has been customized to summarize and extract metadata from scientific publications related to computational peptide research. This package provides the following functionalities: - **Summarize**: Summarize the content of a scientific publication related to computational peptide research. - **Extract**: Extract metadata from a scientific publication related to computational peptide research. - **Score**: Score the relevance of a scientific publication related to computational peptide research. - **Save**: Save the model output to a SQLite database. .. grid:: 1 2 2 2 :gutter: 4 :padding: 2 2 0 0 :class-container: sd-text-center .. grid-item-card:: Getting Started .. figure:: _static/getting_started.svg :width: 30% Learn how to install and use PeptideDigest to summarize scientific publications. .. button-link:: ./getting_started.html :color: primary :expand: Let's get started! .. grid-item-card:: User Guide .. figure:: _static/user_guide.svg :width: 30% Dive into the details of PeptideDigest and learn how to use the package. .. button-link:: ./user_guide/index.html :color: primary :expand: Learn more! .. grid-item-card:: API Reference .. figure:: _static/api_reference.svg :width: 30% Explore the PeptideDigest API reference to find out more about the available modules and functions. .. button-link:: ./autoapi/index.html :color: primary :expand: Explore the API! .. grid-item-card:: Contributing .. figure:: _static/contributing.svg :width: 30% Want to add something? Contribute to the PeptideDigest project through GitHub. .. button-link:: ./contributing.html :color: primary :expand: Learn how to contribute! .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :hidden: :titlesonly: getting_started user_guide/index contributing Indices and tables ------------------ * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`