Source code for peptidedigest.model_prompts

Functions for generating model prompts for the Peptide Digest LLM.

import re

from .clean_text import clean_summary

# Update the summarize_article_segments function to use this enhanced clean_summary
[docs] def summarize_article_segments(fulltext, tokenizer, model): """ Summarizes a scientific article into bullet points and a concise summary. Parameters ---------- fulltext : list of str A list of text chunks from a scientific article. Returns ------- final_summary : str A concise summary of the scientific article. bullet_points : str Bullet points summarizing the scientific article. """ bullet_points = "" for text in fulltext: input_text = f""" <start_of_turn>user Generate a 6 sentence summary of the following portion of a scientific article, make sure to capture results/revelations. {text} <end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model-gemma """ input_ids = tokenizer(input_text, return_tensors="pt").to("cuda") outputs = model.generate(**input_ids, max_new_tokens=8000) summary = tokenizer.decode(outputs[0], skip_special_tokens=True) response_start = summary.find("model-gemma") + len("model-gemma") part_bullet_points = summary[response_start:].strip() cleaned_bullet_points = clean_summary(part_bullet_points) bullet_points += cleaned_bullet_points + "\n" final_summary_input = f"""<start_of_turn>user Generate a 5 bullet point summary of the following scientific texts, the bullet points should be an effective summary of the article/ study and touch on any results,revelations, chemistry/ biology.((only give bullet points)) (5-6 bullet points total) {bullet_points} <end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model-gemma """ final_input_ids = tokenizer(final_summary_input, return_tensors="pt").to("cuda") final_outputs = model.generate( **final_input_ids, max_new_tokens=8000, no_repeat_ngram_size=2 ) final_summary = tokenizer.decode(final_outputs[0], skip_special_tokens=True) response_start = final_summary.find("model-gemma") + len("model-gemma") final_summary = final_summary[response_start:].strip() # print(final_summary + "\n" + bullet_points) return final_summary, bullet_points
[docs] def summarize_article_meta(fulltext, tokenizer, model): bullet_points = "" x = 0 for text in fulltext: x += 1 input_text = f""" <start_of_turn>user fill in the metadata below from the scientific article piece given. this is all you should do, take great effort to create many insightful bullet points for each topic : metadata topics to fill in: **Peptides discussed:** - fill in bullet points here be specififc **Proteins/targets discussed:** - fill in bullet points here be specific **Domains of interest:** - fill in bullet points here make inferences be specific **Chemical matter/ chemistry discussed:** - fill in bullet points here make inferences the article will talk about chemistry be specific **biological matter/ biology discussed:** - fill in bullet points here make inferences the text will talk about biology be specififc **computational methods** -fill in bullet points here make inferences the text is about a computational article be specififc text: {text} <end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model-gemma """ input_ids = tokenizer(input_text, return_tensors="pt").to("cuda") outputs = model.generate(**input_ids, max_new_tokens=8000) summary = tokenizer.decode(outputs[0], skip_special_tokens=True) response_start = summary.find("model-gemma") + len("model-gemma") part_bullet_points = summary[response_start:].strip() cleaned_bullet_points = clean_summary(part_bullet_points) # bullet_points += cleaned_bullet_points + "\n" # print(f"Chunk {x} \n " + cleaned_bullet_points + "\n") bullet_points += "Chunk " + str(x) + "\n" + cleaned_bullet_points + "\n" return bullet_points
[docs] def score_texts_peptide_research( texts_to_score, summary, bullet_points, metadata, tokenizer, model ): scores = [] # Initialize a list to hold the scores for each text score_values = [] lowest_scores = [] # hold the final int for text_to_score in texts_to_score: # Prepare the input text by incorporating the current text to score into the scoring criteria template input_text = f""" <start_of_turn>user you are to score the text below based on the scoring metrics: scoring metrics: **9-10: Exceptionally Relevant** - The text significantly advances peptide research, introducing novel peptides or mechanisms. - It mentions unnatural amino acids and demonstrates experimental validation with clear results and uses computational methods. - Discusses specific protein targets with detailed computational models or simulations, contributing substantial insights into peptide design or function. - May include groundbreaking findings that have a strong potential impact on the field, including therapeutic applications. **7-8: Highly Relevant** - The text is directly relevant to peptide research, and some form of experimental validation or experimentation. - Talks about protein targets and is relevant to computational peptide research, computational methods are used. - Includes sound methodology and results that support the findings discussed. - The research has a clear application or implication for the field, such as suggesting new areas of study or potential therapeutic uses. **5-6: Moderately Relevant** - The text mentions peptide research but might not delve into specifics about unnatural amino acids or detailed experimental validation. - The discussion on protein targets or computational models may be present but lacks depth. - The methodology is sound, but the impact on the field might be moderate or not immediately clear. - Potential applications or implications for peptide research are suggested but not thoroughly explored. **3-4: Somewhat Relevant** - The text briefly mentions aspects of peptide research but lacks specificity or detailed discussion. - Experimental validation, if mentioned, is vague or general. - There is minimal mention of protein targets or computational research, with little to no discussion on the implications or applications. - The relevance to current trends or issues in peptide research is minimal or tangential. **1-2: Irrelevant** - The text has little to no mention of peptide research, unnatural amino acids, or experimental validation related to peptides. text to score: "{metadata} {summary} {bullet_points}" remember to follow the scoring metric we are trying to assess how relevant the text was to peptide research and if it should be a priority for a peptide researcher to read it, if the majority of the discussion doesnt involve peptides its probably a low score scoring metrics: **9-10: Exceptionally Relevant** - Advances peptide research with novel findings, including new peptides, mechanisms, or therapeutic applications. - Demonstrates robust experimental validation and computational analysis targeting specific protein interactions, discusses many peptides and proteins, very high impact on the field of peptides. **7-8: Highly Relevant** - Directly contributes to peptide research with experimental evidence and computational insights, moderate to high impact on the field of peptides. - Presents clear implications for the field, suggesting new research directions or therapeutic applications, mentions specific peptides and proteins **5-6: Moderately Relevant** - Discusses peptide research with some mention of methodology or protein targets but lacks depth - Offers suggestions for the field with moderate impact or unclear applications, discusses atleast a few specific peptides and proteins or targets **3-4: Somewhat Relevant** - Briefly mentions peptide research without significant detail or depth, doesnt mention specific peptides or proteins by name, unclear impact on peptide research. - Lacks clear experimental validation or computational analysis relevant to peptides. **1-2: Irrelevant** - Minimal or no mention of peptides, lacking relevance to the field of peptide research. now give a score, always give a score, score only based on the metrics remeber the target audience is researchers who are used to jargon <end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model-gemma """ # Process the input with the tokenizer and model input_ids = tokenizer(input_text, return_tensors="pt").to("cuda") outputs = model.generate(**input_ids, max_new_tokens=8000) # Extract and return the model's output, removing the initial prompt from the response score_output = tokenizer.decode(outputs[0], skip_special_tokens=True) score_start = score_output.find("model-gemma\n") + len("model-gemma\n") score = score_output[score_start:].strip() # Append the extracted score to the scores list scores.append(score) # print(scores[0]) extraction_input_text = f""" <start_of_turn>user give back the score that was given in the following text, just give back the score nothing else: {scores[0]} <end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model-gemma """ input_ids = tokenizer(extraction_input_text, return_tensors="pt").to("cuda") extraction_outputs = model.generate(**input_ids, max_new_tokens=8000) extracted_score = tokenizer.decode( extraction_outputs[0], skip_special_tokens=True ) extracted_start = extracted_score.find("model-gemma\n") + len("model-gemma\n") extracted_score = extracted_score[extracted_start:].strip() # Append the extracted score to the scores list and the extracted numerical score to score_values list score_values.append(extracted_score) # Find all numbers in the extracted score string and convert them to integers numbers = [int(num) for num in re.findall(r"\d+", extracted_score)] # Check if we have extracted any numbers, then find and append the lowest one if numbers: lowest_score = min(numbers) lowest_scores.append(lowest_score) else: # In case no numbers were found, append a placeholder or handle as needed lowest_scores.append(None) if lowest_scores[0] == None: lowest_scores[0] = 0 # Depending on your needs, you can return both the detailed scores and the extracted numerical scores return scores[0], score_values[0], lowest_scores[0]